Ultimateblades, Let Power Within Unleash!!!
Hey Bladers,
sorry for the lack of articles recently, I am too busy and am only 1 human that can handle so much!!!
if you guys would like to become administratiors and help around UB to become successful please email me at 
[email protected]
comment below, You then be asked a few questions from me if you qualify (You mus have a decent knowledge about beyblades to run this site) I will need at least 2 administrators besides me to get business running more smoothly!!!
so feel free to comment below if you want to become one, and I will be making much more articles in the upcoming weeks!
Hannah Smith
6/7/2011 11:07:35 am

I might be interested...

6/7/2011 11:16:11 am

do you have a basic knowledge of beyblades Hannah??? If you THINK you do, I will ask you a series of questions before you can qualify and actually get access to this website!!!

Hannah Smith
6/8/2011 03:22:46 pm

I just answered your questions and sent a message to you on facebook


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    Hi guys, My name is Ryan and I hope you guys enjoy my site. I will continuously work on this website I spend at least 3 -6 hours on the computer just working on my website! So if you guys can help me finish this website and make it popular   I will give you guys credits and e-mail me by clicking the "contact me" button on the navigation bar!


    June 2011
    April 2011
    February 2011
    January 2011
    December 2010

